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Classes and methods

Here is a belief description of core API.

LoggerDecorator class

LoggerDecorator is a main class of a slf4j-format-jdk14 library.

There is a function, LoggerDecorator#deco takes org.slf4j.Logger instance and ResourceBundle object. A returned object implements ILogger interface which behaves as mostly similar as org.slf4j.Logger, but supports template placeholder like '{0}' and localization with ResourceBundle.

To localize messages, you need to use Fluent API and new methods setMessageRB or logRB.

The function LoggerDecorator#deco also takes object that implements LoggingEventBuilder, typically uses with logger#atLevel, or logger#atInfo etc.

When LoggerDecorator#deco takes LoggingEventBuilder object only, logRB and setMessageRB does not produce localized messages but returns empty string. It is even useful when you want to use a format syntax which placeholder is like {0}, LoggingEventDecorator handle it through setMessage and log methods.

It is also another signature deco(LoggingEventBuilder, ResourceBundle) that will support localization of messages.

tokyo.northside.logging.LoggerFactory class

This is a class to provide syntax sugar for users who use SLF4J's LoggerFactory.getLogger(clazz) method. When you call tokyo.northside.logging.ILogger logger = tokyo.northside.logging.LoggerFactory.getLogger(clazz, BUNDLE); then you can enjoy compatibles functions with SLF4J.

You don't need to change other lines if you have already satisfied logging in your class.

And it also provides features slf4j-format-jdk14 provide. Your"message {0}", arg); handle JUL style placeholder.

You can use a resource bundle with logger.atInfo().setMessageRB("RESOURCE_BUNDLE_KEY").log().

tokyo.northside.logging.LoggerDecorator implements tokyo.northside.logging.ILogger methods

tokyo.northside.logging.ILogger is extended from org.slf4j.Logger interface. It makes LoggerDecorator compatible with org.slf4j.Logger as a decorator.

There are 6 methods, atLevel, atInfo, atError, atWarn, atDebug, atTrace that returns tokyo.northside.logging.LoggingEventDecorator instance.

With this contract, LoggerDecorator provide a message format and l10n functionality.

tokyo.northside.logging.LoggingEventDecorator interface

tokyo.northside.logging.LoggingEventDecorator interface extends org.slf4j.spi.LoggingEventBuilder interface. When user has logger object created by LoggerFactory.getLogger() function, the object implement a LoggingEventBuiler interface is returned when user calls logger#atLevel() method.

LoggingEventDecoder interface is for the object that is decorated by LoggerDecorator#deco function. It is guaranteed to be compatible with LoggingEventBuilder interface, so user can use same methods SLF4J API provide.

LoggingEventDecoder interface introduce new two methods with several argument signatures.

setMessageRB method

setMessageRB method accept a KEY for resource bundle and set message from a localized text. The method will return an object implements LoggingEvnetDecorator, typically returns this.

logRB method

logRB method accept a KEY for resource bundle, and use a message from a localized text, and behave similar as log method.

LoggingEventDecoratorActive and LoggingEventDecoratorPassive class

These are concrete implementations which implements LoggingEventDecorater and CallerBoundaryAware interfaces.